
We offer a range of services that have been carefully tailored to suit the needs of young professionals and families.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

A comprehensive financial plan serves as a road map for your financial life. To create your plan, we will start with a discussion about your financial needs and goals in order to get a clear picture of where you want to go. Then, we will create your financial plan, which will help you understand your current financial picture, prioritize your goals, and provide action items to improve your finances. There is a great deal of substance to a plan like this so we will break it down into manageable pieces; starting with the most critical.

Once your plan is in place, our work is not done, but rather it’s just beginning. We will meet in person or virtually at least once per year, up to once a quarter, to review your progress and assess the need for any changes to your plan. We also ask our clients to reach out anytime they need assistance outside of scheduled meetings or if something in life changes that would affect their plan.

Investment Management

At Pelican Wealth Management we believe that markets are largely efficient so rather than try to outperform the markets we tailor portfolios to meet the individual needs of our clients. We look to build well diversified portfolios with mainly low cost institutional mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Before we invest funds on your behalf, we will review your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, tax considerations, income needs, and any unique needs that you might have.

Quick Start

Sometimes just getting the ball rolling can be the most difficult part. If you need a quick assessment of your financial situation, then our Quick Start planning session may be the ideal approach. During your session, we will discuss 1-2 financial topics, such as maximizing your company benefits or debt management, after which we will follow up with actionable recommendations for you in a clear and easy-to follow format.

Are you ready to take control of your financial well being?

If you’re ready to take the next step toward financial independence, we’re ready to help. Working together is easy with our client-driven approach in which we will develop a plan based on your unique needs.